. : About Me : . -I'm a Pisces. -I'm a March Baby. -I like laughing. -I'm OK being alone, but being with friends is definitely much better. -Most friends like to call me LaLa but I'm not a Teletubbie.
. : My Quote : . I like the way I am. But changes have to be made and sacrifices have to die..
. : FootPrints : .
. : Emergency Exits : . Sheepie Dreamer Snow JiaJin 3e2(08) 4e2(09) VirUS Elaine
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blogger blogskins annika von holdt Designed by:cherish-
Friday, May 25, 2007 I don't know it is a good thing that June holiday is here or bad.. Good, is that i do not need to go school.. Bad, is that there is a high possibility that I'll be jailed at home. I seriously don't want to be jailed at home during the one whole month of June holiday. It'll be very horrid to stay at home all day for a month! And I am very looking forward to stay overnight at JiaJin's house.. Yesterday dad told me that if I've failed too many subjects, I am not allowed to go out during June holiday.. But he can't expect me to study the whole entire month right? I'll go nuts! It is bad enough not going out the whole week.. But now we are talking about a month!! I'll die of boredom.. Ahhh.. I'm sure to be jailed at home.. Nooooo!!.. This can't be happening!!.. What kind of holiday is this! Holidays are meant to be fun although we should spend some time on studying too. But being jailed at home ain't fun at all! Who would have the mood to study all day?! Not even my third sister could study the whole day! She'll go nuts too.. Awww.. I don't want to be jailed at home.. Sigh.. My parents don't have the time to go get my report book with me later at 7pm+ so I have to go alone.. Hopefully they will let me take my report book.. Got to go get ready now post again next time.. reca @ 6:03 PM
Oh my.. Today was a humid day. Kept sweating non-stop. But as usual, I woke up early today, went for breakfast with my dad, watch television and play the computer. It was not as bad as last week's Sunday.. I wonder what my June holidays would be like since my weekends are boring enough, won't my holiday be even more boring? I'm very positive that dad would not let me go out and play. Oh well, he can't possibly keep me at home for the whole month.. I'll rot and die at home! Oh! Just noticed somthing.. I've been good this week! Did not go out and play.. Been reading the "Wrinkle In Time". I need to read finish this book during my June holiday for litereature homework. My teacher said that when school re-opens, there will be a test one that book. The book was quite interesting. But there is always one problem, my eyes get really tired after reading afew pages of that book. Oh well, who cares? Though my eyes feel tired, I still managed to read half the book in 2 days. I'm a slow reader, so cant' expect me to ready so fast. Dinner time! Post again maybe tomorrow.. reca @ 6:31 PM
Oh yeah!! Yesterday was the last day of mid-year exam.. I went to JiaJin's new house yesterday after exam. I love her new house. She sort of think it was small, but to me, it's just right. I like that kind of house, the rooms aren't very big. Feels pretty cosy... Not feeling very well today.. Think it is because I did not eat much during lunch and I slept through dinner yesterday.. Feel like vomitting. I ate a piece of bread just now but I guess it is not enough. Think my stomach still wants more things to digest. But can't possibly expect me to eat more if i feel like vomitting.. Think I little better now.. Not at bad as just now.. Going to OG with my mom and JiaJin later. Both me and JiaJin needs to buy new CO clothes.. I'm growing fatter everyday!! Sad.. Can't help it.. My dad always stuff me with food every weekend morning. I seriously don't know it's a good thing or bad.. Oh well, need to go get ready now. Going to OG soon. Don't want to be late... reca @ 9:26 AM
Today, I woke up at about 3am going to 4am.. I couldn't sleep after that. So.. Decided to stay in bed awhile and next to the computer! I stayed in bed for about an hour before playing the computer. And not long after I had on the computer my 2 elder sisters woke up. My dad woke up right after them, but I don't know why. He took me for a very very early breakfast at about 6.25am. By the time we ate finish our breakfast and visited the market (though in the end we did not buy anything), we reached home at 7am.. 12.45pm I went to White Sands to re-new my bus pass.. Silly me didn't even know the bus pass had expired since 29 April. After that, I went to Popular to buy colour pencils. I don't like my third sister's water colour pencils. If you colour it lightly, there will be alot of white spots. The colour pencils seemed to be abit like crayons. I dislike crayons because it always make our hands dirty and also have the effect of the white spots when you colour lightly.. Actually someone was supposed to accompany me to White Sands today.. Urgh.. In the end that person can't make it.. So I have to go there myself.. Can't possibly ask JiaJin to go with me anymore since she is already at Bedok. It would be very inconsiderate of me if I asked her to come to Pasir Ris just to go White Sands with me.. Oh my.. I still have a slow and boring Sunday to go through tomrrow.. Think by that time I would already have died.. Died of boredom.. reca @ 1:32 PM
Oh yeah! Finished the second last exam today. There is still art exam on Monday. The maths paper today was so difficult. Even people whose maths are better than mine said it was difficult. Most of the students in my class did not finish the paper I bet. Melissa from the first express said she almost did not finish the paper. Think I'll fail? Certianly YES.. Sigh.. Though the setter thought it was a easy paper, but for us, it's very very difficult. JiaJin is moving house tomorrow. I hope she gets used to her new house soon. I went to her old house today.. Her mother gave me a packet of frozen nuggets and a few small packets of biscuits. Yum! I like nuggets! I wonder what her new house looked like.. She said i could go stay over for one day during the June Holidays. Can't wait! Alright.. Got to go now. Maybe I'll post tomorrow.. reca @ 5:01 PM
Oh yeah!! I've recieved a letter from Sherri! It's been a very long time when I last recieved a letter from her.. I've lost her address and there is no way of getting a letter to her to tell her that right? I have sort of been waiting for this letter.. It's nice to hear from her again. She is always a very nice, polite and cheeryful girl. Miss the days when we always play catching during recess.. It was always girls verses boys. I would always be the one caught since I always ran very slow. She will always be there for me when needed help. I'm glad she did not forget about me.. Alright.. Got to go now.. Need to write a reply letter.. reca @ 11:29 AM
Yesterday alot of people fell getting sick... Hope they get well soon... But it was lucky that they only had cough or flew. This morning, Sharry, Jing Ming gor and I were talking about the the Primary 5 camp and the Secondary 3 camp. We talked about the challange pole, kayaking and the flying fox. I am so not excited about the Secondary 3 camp next year after what I have been through during the primary 5 camp. It was the worse camp I've been to, although it was the first... I've heard that people have been getting sick during the camp... Think I'll make sure I get sick before the camp, although i don't really know how. Oh well.. If I really could not get sick then I'll just go... Second thought the camp might be fun with JiaJin around. Since it would be the first time she go for the camp ask her primary does not hav primary 5 camp that time. Can imagine her screaming when she go down the flying fox. How exciting!.. Actually the primary 5 camp wasn't that bad.. Just that I was just homesick.. 3 days of no parents and siblings.. 2 days of lack of sleep.. 1 day of torture with heights.. Haha.. Hope me, JiaJin and Sharry survive the secondary 3 camp next year!! It's not 3 days anymore... BUT 1 WEEK!! Good luck.. Good luck.. reca @ 6:06 PM
It's been a very very very very super long time since the last time I post... It's not that there is no time... Just that I'm lazy to blog... Haha... Hmm.. the last time I blog was the Secondary one end of year exam.. This time, it is the Secondary two mid year exam... Glad i still stayed in express.. I thought I was going to drop to the NA... It was a relief to hear from my form teacher that everyone in the class stayed in express... Actually, I've got alot of things to type.. But now, when i start typing, it seemed to all disappear... Oh well... I'll blog again next time... reca @ 5:58 PM