. : About Me : . -I'm a Pisces. -I'm a March Baby. -I like laughing. -I'm OK being alone, but being with friends is definitely much better. -Most friends like to call me LaLa but I'm not a Teletubbie.
. : My Quote : . I like the way I am. But changes have to be made and sacrifices have to die..
. : FootPrints : .
. : Emergency Exits : . Sheepie Dreamer Snow JiaJin 3e2(08) 4e2(09) VirUS Elaine
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blogger blogskins annika von holdt Designed by:cherish-
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Last Wednesday was my secondary 3 camp. The camp was 3days 2nights. It was fun there. I was quite sad to leave but I'm also eager to go home. I had a great time at camp, I liked my trainer alot and he thought us weird cheers and a weird game. I was glad that my group was very sportive and we are always eager to do our cheer for people to hear. It's quite a pity to leave. It was the very first time I ever loved camp so much and my trainer too. He is a fun guy which coughs alot. I hope he gets well soon, but I doubt he will because of all the cheering. Our first dinner at camp was macoroni with chicken, brocoli and mixed vegetables. Everyone was eager to cook only the macoroni and chicken and not the mixed vegetables and brocoli. But there is still afew of us eager to cook the brocoli too. I quarrelled with one of the guys in my team because he kept asking me not to dump the brocoli into the pot and cook with the macoroni and chicken. I was not very bothered about who is going or not going to eat the macoroni with all the brocoli inside because I know at least 3 people would be eating it and that includes me. The brocoli turned out half cooked but we still ate it(more than 3people ate it in the end). After dinner, we went for our night hike which was about 8pm+, which partly explains why I felt giddy(I was sleepy). After the hike we had our last briefing for the day and had our supper and bath. Q-ing for the bath was the worst thing ever. The Q was long and some people likes to take their time. And next was lights out. I fell asleep quite fast woke up around 3am+ and fell back to sleep. 5.40am I heard the banging of doors(there's always a banging sound when the door closes) and I woke up. We were suppose to assemble at 6.50am and I was wondering who the hack woke people up so early when we could get ready in 45minutes?.. I lied back in my sleeping bag and I could not get bac to sleep. So I went to get ready too. When JiaJin and TingHui woke up, they were complaining about bodyaching. I was glad my body did not ache. After breakfast, my group and JiaJin's group went to the Bukit Timah Hike. We were suppose to hike to the summit of the hill. My group saw a few special birds which our trainer told us about on our way to the summit. We felt so fortunate because our trainer said it looks like blue phoenix because of their tail. We climbed more than 100 steps (stairs) before we reached the summit. Our legs were aching and sore. And after going up, of course we have to go back down! On our way down, we saw 2 monkeys! I think only our group saw the monkeys. When we were back at the campsite, we were suppose to practice on our cheer, but everyone was too tired. Even our trainer was too tired. But we still practiced on our cheer (we sound like half-dead). Lunch was good and helped us get bac our energy. Next up was our high elements! Oh oh! I'm glad to announce... I'm not as afraid of heights like I used to!(that does not mean I'm not scared of heights) I bet I fooled everyone when I was doing the challenge pole. I got it over and done with less then 30seconds. And I do not have any sign of being afraid! But actually I was quite scared when I reached the top of the pole. I said to myself softly, "wow..". And just pretend to aim for the thing I was suppose to try to catch and jumped. And then I was hung in the air by the rope 'tied' to my harness. The first time I did the challenge pole, I grabbed really tight to the rope when I was hanging. But this time I did not. YEAH! I fooled sharry! She thought I was not scared because I was standing on the pole less then 10seconds and I jumped. Alright, alright, I'll stop boasting. After challenge pole was flying-fox, which I did not get to do because there were not enough time. Mr Ves did the flying fox too and he screamed like a girl. Oh Oh! It was Clifton's birthday that day and we sang birthday song for him three times. Lucky him, and everyone in camp knows it was his birthday. HAHA!! We all went to the canteen and got our campfire T-shirt. I went to the boy's dormatary's female toilet, and saw two guys there. It was not night yet! How could they use the female toilet?! It was lucky that they were at least half-dressed. After seeing the guys in the female toilet, I dare not use the female toilet at the boys dormataries. Who knows when they will go to the female toilet again?! Anyway, after changing, we had our dinner and off to our campfire! We had a great time! When campfire was over, off to bathing, eating supper and last briefing for the day. Last day of camp, as usual in the morning I heard the banging of doors. But it was 6am+ and we were suppose to assemble at 7.15am. I got up and get ready and did my last packing. Brought my things to assemble and next breakfast. every group had to clean 2 dormataries before we could assemble and hear the announce of the 3 best group. The boy's dormatary was a very unsightly and digiusting place. Lots of rubbish were everywhere and we saw underwears too. Totally gross! Well, we still cleaned the dormatary and we were ready to assemble and hear the results. My group was one of the best group, but we did not seem very happy when we recieve our prize. I think it was because we were leaving after we get our prize.. When we were on the bus getting ready to leave, the two trainers that took our class(the class was split into 2 groups), said their last words for us. My eyes were going to turn watery but I hold it back. But at the sight of TingHui's watery eyes, I could not hold it back anymore. I was happy to be going home but sad of leaving the camp as well. Before the camp, TingHui kept saying she do not want to go for the camp, but now, when we were leaving she was wiping aways tears that were going to roll down her cheeks. Unforgetable camp.... reca @ 3:49 PM