. : About Me : . -I'm a Pisces. -I'm a March Baby. -I like laughing. -I'm OK being alone, but being with friends is definitely much better. -Most friends like to call me LaLa but I'm not a Teletubbie.
. : My Quote : . I like the way I am. But changes have to be made and sacrifices have to die..
. : FootPrints : .
. : Emergency Exits : . Sheepie Dreamer Snow JiaJin 3e2(08) 4e2(09) VirUS Elaine
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. : Music Box : . ![]() ![]() Music Playlist at MixPod.com
. : Archives : . November 2004 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 October 2005 November 2005 January 2006 May 2006 October 2006 May 2007 July 2007 October 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 January 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 November 2013 May 2016
. : Credits : .
blogger blogskins annika von holdt Designed by:cherish-
Monday, May 31, 2010
Yesterday, I went to Sakura with my family.. But my third sister wasn't present as she is at HongKong and would be coming back to Singapore today.. When we reached the Tampines Safra, HanHan was sleeping.. Hehe.. My mom carried him into the restaruant and I took 2 photos of his sleeping face.. ![]() Rofl.. reca @ 6:16 AM
Full fledge AhLian.. HAHAAA.. She's right.. Afterall, AhBeng(s) and AhLian(s) often hang around together.. Felt so happy that she showing people what I said about her is true.. Hee.. Always denying.. But we still can see her little tail.. Lols.. If you don't like the comments.. Either ask him to stop or just delete it.. You don't want to delete it because it's not commented by you? Than ask him to stop.. Obviously he wouldn't stop if you didn't ask him to personally.. Eh.. Stress in school arh? Finding people to vent your anger on? ROFLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! reca @ 7:17 PM
Yesterday, my elder siblings came home for dinner.. And of course Ah Han and TungTung was here too.. Ah Han came with his hands dirty so I took him to wash his hands.. When I carried him out from the toilet, I felt like I was carry a huge teddy bear. Fine.. He wasn't that huge and isn't as light as a teddy bear.. Haha!! As usual, I opened the box of toys for him to play.. Played with him a little.. TungTung was at the sticky stage. She would cry when she noticed that her mama is out of sight or someone she do not feel that she is familiar with.. So, we didn't get to carry her.. But she look really adorable sitting on the mat and playing with the toys as well.. Fine.. She didn't really play with the toys.. She was examining them.. Haha!! Anyway, dinner was ready and we all seated other then the two little ones and of course my mama(she rather go for the CC meeting). Just when I was about to eat the stir fried egg that ErJie took for me, Ah Han came over.. Haha!! I asked what can he eat(just for incase there's things that he is not suppose to eat) and DaJie said he could eat anything.. I gave him abit of the egg in my bowl and of course he ate it!! WAKAKAKKAAA!! I carried him and put him on my lap because I find it easier to feed him that way.. He took my soup spoon and JieJie gave him a small piece of prawn! And then... He started eating from my bowl.. Alex GorGor took fish for him but when he tried to eat it, he said,"Hot hot" and gave it back to him.. Lol.. Alex GorGor took it back and checked if there was any fish bone as it look like it has fish bone in it and he let ErJie blow it for Ah Han.. WAKAKAKAKAKAAKAA!! We shared the bowl of rice.. Ah Han is really smart! He understood most of the things we were saying!! DaJie told Ah Han to wait for me to cut the egg into smaller pieces for him to eat.. Guess what did Ah Han replied?.. He said, " No no. GorGor cut cut". *Screams*.. SO ADORABLE!!.. Hahahaaa.. Half way through dinner, TungTung started crying again.. I guess she had finished examining the toys and realised DaJie wasn't watching over her.. When Ah Han heard his MeiMei's cries, he "jumped" and immediately tried to get of my lap. It was so sweet of him trying to pacify his little sister.. He shook the toy tambourine and try to grab MeiMei's attention.. And when MeiMei hold on to the toy tambourine, he let her have it.. I guess the title of Big Brother is very important to Ah Han.. Haha!! He will grow up to be a very nice brother! =D After TungTung had quiet down a little.. Ah Han came back.. Onto my lap.. He was full already but he didn't went back to play with the toys.. Well, since he was full, I guess he decided to feed me rather then himself.. ROFL!! He did get alot of attention at the dinning table afterall.. JieJie took video while he fed me.. YEAH! *victory sign*.. Haha.. DaJie and PK GorGor kept asking Ah Han to wash up because TungTung is going to start a "storm" if they don't head home soon.. But Ah Han refused.. Lol.. So, I guess the only way is to make the bowl empty.. Haha.. Lucky there's only 2 and a half soup spoonfull of rice left in the bowl.. Yep.. I finished dinner at last!! It was the first time I took about an hour.. Or more? To have a meal.. Fine.. It wasn't the first time.. I was a really slow eater when I was much younger.. LOL!! After DaJie, PK GorGor, Ah Han and TungTung had went home, JieJie was showing me the videos she took.. Daddy came over to take a look as well.. ErJie was washing the dishes and Alex GorGor was watching the television.. JieJie commented on Alex GorGor's expression in one of the videos and we were laughing.. Alex GorGor came over and wanted to know what's happening.. And JieJie "refused" to let him have a look at the video.. Haha.. Anyway, she showed it to him at the end.. JieJie made another comment, saying that Alex GorGor is seen in the video for a very very short while.. And of course Alex GorGor asked how could she do such thing.. ROFL!! TO BE CONTINUED.. reca @ 2:38 PM
Yay!! Currently in school.. I'm early today!! Almost 40min early~.. Lesson starts at 8am.. So happy.. Hehe.. My mom woke up at 6.05am.. I was almost leaving.. She asked me what time I'm leaving.. Told her I'm almost leaving.. And she goes, "HUH?!".. I gave her a shock and she gave me a shock.. Lol.. And Next, she said she was actually thinking of steaming siew mais for me.. But too late.. Nevermind.. There's something called tomorrow.. But there's also a saying, "tomorrow never comes.." Lol.. ByeBye siew mais? ROFLs.. reca @ 7:39 AM
I'm kinda scared of Mr Lai.. He seems to be a very fierce and strict teacher.. I don't really like friendly but fierce teachers.. Lol.. I hope I won't get scolded later during his lesson.. E-Quiz, third try.. 5.. At least I passed.. Will try again.. Aim for a 7 at least!! Jiayou! It's just 2 more questions.. My mom's english is really bad.. "How to spell "wontch"?" "Huh?.." "Wontchew...... Wontchew...... Wontchew........" She actually meant to say, "Won't you......." I should have spelled "WONTCHEW" for her!! ROFLS!!!.. reca @ 6:08 AM
Last Monday, some of my classmates wanted to take class photo.. However, some of them weren't around.. But we still took photos anyway.. ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh ya.. The guy standing beside me is Hafiq, my "dad".. Infront of me is Azuan, aka Zack, my "mom". Beside my "mom" is SweeLing, my 2nd "AhMa".. Beside "AhMa(2)" is Syira, my "aunt".. And I don't know how many "cousins" I have.. ROFLS!! reca @ 8:27 AM
Yep.. HER guests are more important than anything.. Gave me the angry face and asked why didn't I plan to meet my friends at a later time.. Hey!! why didn't you ask your guests to come earlier and leave earlier?!.. Fine.. I went off anyway.. Meet my friends.. Broke my toe nail and bleed a little.. And so called got my assignment done.. Came home.. Showed dad my plastered toe.. And he said, " See lah.. Don't cut your toe nail..".. Told jiejie I broke my toe nail.. She thinks that it must be really painful.. But it wasn't as bad as what she imagines I guess.. I removed the plaster infront of her.. Nothing happened.. Fine.. Paste another plaster on my toe.. "Don't off the computer! I want to check my mail!".. Yeah.. Right.. Like as if all the mails she gets are important mails.. reca @ 6:43 AM
First word that I heard on such a beautiful, quite and cooling morning was "SSSSSSHIT.." I have no idea why mom likes the letter "S" so much that she have to drag it so long.. Well, as usual, I'm not really surprised. She's late for work again.. ROFLs.. I wouldn't care much since she didn't asked me to wake her up in the morning.. I wouldn't want to wake her up and hear her say, " let me sleep half an hour more..." and goes back to sleep.. It really makes me unhappy when she does that.. But anyway, she actually set her alarm clock around 5.30am and off-ed it when it rang and went back to sleep.. I heard the alarm too but I didn't get up since it was Saterday and I do not need to go to school.. Anyway, around 6.05am, I finally got up and went to the living room to play computer.. Around 6.20am, I thought of waking mom up if she still doesn't wake up by 6.30am.. But she got up.. Asked her what time she was suppose to leave.. 6am was the answer.. WAKAKAKAAAAAA.. reca @ 6:46 AM
I actually liked that poem.. Lols.. I have no idea why.. But I don't agree on the part where she wishes that person to be dead.. Don't she realised that she have shown people around her how selfish she is?.. Thinking about no one other then herself.. To get what she wants, other people would be sacrificed.. Reminds me of those people who have lost their minds because they do not want to accept what people dislike about them and refuse to changed.. And followed by the one they love, leaving them.. They don't want to accept the fact.. The truth.. If she thinks that the problem does not lie with her when only ONE person says so. I think it's fine.. But when there is MORE THAN ONE person thinking the same way about her.. Then, she should think again.. The problem really may be her.. Yeah.. Nobody in the world is perfect.. But we at least we could try to minimise our flaws.. ROFLS.. reca @ 9:01 PM
Yes! Yes! I know!! It's Mother's Day today!.. I know I should be showing appreciation to my mother instead of being angry with her first thing in the morning.. BUT I CAN'T HELP IT!! She doesn't know that was mine instead? Okay, I take it.. Ask me if I could share? Not very willing since she actually has her own pair!.. What made me reach the maximum was, "I don't have money to buy a new pair.." What rubbish?!! Firstly, she has her own pair somewhere in the shelf and she doesn't have to get a new pair.. Secondaly, she has 2 jobs now!.. What does she mean by she has no money?!.. Than what about me?! If she spoils my shoe, then I have to get a new pair! AND I DO NOT HAVE A JOB!! She wasn't willing to help me pay my school fees.. So I have to do it myself.. I could still remember very clearly what she said to me when I asked her if I could put the GIRO under her account.. She simply said,"Dont put mine lah.. I got no money.. Put your daddy de.." She even showed me her bank book angrily.. And guess what's next? She bought a laptop from my aunt.. Yeah.. Right.. NO MONEY.. She's always telling me that she has no money since I was really young.. Young, yet old enough to tell her,"I know, I didn't ask you to buy it" 2 days ago, I was chatting with her in the morning.. She asked me,"What year is this? 2011?" I told her,"No lah! 2010 only lah!" Next question she ask pissed me off a little.. "Oh.. Then from 1993-2010 is how many years?" HELLO??!!! I'm born in 1993!! How old am I?!! I can't believe that I actually asked her if she knows how old am I.. Because.. Her answer was.. " I don't know.." BLURDY HELL! Oh! I almost forgot! Of course she doesn't know how old I am.. She doesn't even remembers my birthday for heaven's sake.. 1week after my 17th birthday, she asked me when was my birthday.. And I told her it was last Monday.. And she asked me for the exact date. so I told her.. Yup.. She had cleanly forgotten.. I was really happy when she seemed to be bothered about forgetting my birthday until she said,"Haiz.. Last year also forgot about Sara's birthday.." First 3 words that comes to my mind was, "what the hell?".. You know why? Because the previous year she had forgotten about my birthday just because she quarrelled with my father.. Oh well, I can trust that she would not remember my birthday anymore.. I know.. I have to live with it.. reca @ 9:10 AM
Last Sunday, daddy, ErJie, JieJie, Alex GorGor and I went to Dajie's Louye's house.. HanHan was naughty.. He had a blue-black on his cheek.. And MeiMei was so tiny.. Haha.. JieJie took photos!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Why are the pictures in different sizes? I totally have no idea... ROFLS!! reca @ 5:39 AM