. : About Me : . -I'm a Pisces. -I'm a March Baby. -I like laughing. -I'm OK being alone, but being with friends is definitely much better. -Most friends like to call me LaLa but I'm not a Teletubbie.
. : My Quote : . I like the way I am. But changes have to be made and sacrifices have to die..
. : FootPrints : .
. : Emergency Exits : . Sheepie Dreamer Snow JiaJin 3e2(08) 4e2(09) VirUS Elaine
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. : Music Box : . ![]() ![]() Music Playlist at MixPod.com
. : Archives : . November 2004 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 October 2005 November 2005 January 2006 May 2006 October 2006 May 2007 July 2007 October 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 January 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 November 2013 May 2016
. : Credits : .
blogger blogskins annika von holdt Designed by:cherish-
Sunday, August 29, 2010 She got angry because I switched the channel and she complained that she missed the programme.. Well, all I can say is.. Took you long enough to noticed that I've switched the channel!!.. ROFLS!!! Come on, you're busying walking all over the house doing your own things.. Even if I don't switch the channel, you'll probably still miss the programme! LOLS!! I don't feel bad at all switching the programme.. She copied recipes from cooking programmes.. She copied recipes from websites.. But did she cook any of those delicious looking food for us to eat?.. I am proud to say.. NOPE.. Even when she bakes muffins, the first reason was to bring it out and share it with other people.. Yesterday, she shifted my things.. Yeah.. She shifted the file and papers that I've placed on the table in my room to the shelf which I've reserved for my laptop.. Of course I would get angry when she just anyhow placed my stuffs.. What made me MORE ANGRY was she had placed her pencil box on my laptop which I've also placed on the table.. HEY! Why didn't she put her pencil box on her own laptop that is taking so much space on the table instead! WHY THE HELL DID SHE EVEN BUY THAT LAPTOP??!! She doesn't even TOUCH it.. Well, I sort of threw her pencil box on her laptop.. But I threw it lightly.. I should have threw it on her bed showing alot of dislike in what she has done.. She is piling more papers in the room and the shelf that she originally placed her laptop in is filled with papers.. Not only that.. When the shelf is filled up.. She made another pile of papers on the floor.. To her, that is clearing the mess?! Oh my god.. I'm so afraid that she might ask me to bring all her "properties" with me when I leave this house and I'm suppose to keep it all.. NO WAY!! I WILL NOT DO IT!! Who would want her worthless "properties" anyway.. If it's not worthless, there won't be so much things piling in the study room already.. ( -_-'') reca @ 7:15 AM
All you do is complain about how bad your family members are.. Always think about how much you have done for us and not how much you have NOT done for us.. Complained about how good she is to other people.. But aren't you the same?.. Since primary 1.. I believed that you cared more about other people's children alot more than your own.. So what rights do you have to complain? Sentosa?.. Just say so if you want to go! However, even if you want to go.. DO YOU HAVE THE TIME?.. You rather spend time with other people.. Then what rights do you have to complain?! Complains! Complains! Complains! Shifted from SengKang to PasirRis.. Increased in pay.. Increased in complains.. Hey! You don't have to change job just because the pay is higher.. You DON'T have to pay for our SCHOOL FEES.. You DON'T have to give us POCKET MONEY.. You DON'T have to pay for UTILITY BILLS.. You DON'T have to pay for your OWN PHONE BILL.. You DON'T have to pay for GROCERIES.. You BARELY pay for your OWN LUNCH since your work-place provides you lunch!! reca @ 8:34 AM
I found a web which enable you to make your own website.. Which includes a blog of course.. I think I might post photos there instead of here since it might be easier using www.weebly.com.. I'll still be posting here.. But when there's photos on some events.. It should be at weebly.. TinyChicken... Rofls.. reca @ 12:30 PM
I just reached school! I know.. I'm always very early.. But even though I'm early, the bus was still packed as usual.. My bus concession has expired and I've decided not to renew it since Study Break is just after tomorrow.. I walk to White Sand Primary to take bus 39 to Khatib.. When I boarded the bus, it wasn't crowded and I got a seat!.. Reached Khatib MRT Station at about 7.05am?.. The train was SO CROWDED that there was no room for "almost fell".. Lol.. I almost can't squeeze my way out although I was really close to the door and nobody was trying to squeeze their way into the train.. ROFLs.. reca @ 7:23 AM
Seoul Garden photos.. I was suppose to post these long ago.. But i was lazy to do it.. lols.. We were celebrating birthdays?.. I think I posted on this event.. Just without the photos.. ROFLS.. reca @ 5:56 AM