. : About Me : . -I'm a Pisces. -I'm a March Baby. -I like laughing. -I'm OK being alone, but being with friends is definitely much better. -Most friends like to call me LaLa but I'm not a Teletubbie.
. : My Quote : . I like the way I am. But changes have to be made and sacrifices have to die..
. : FootPrints : .
. : Emergency Exits : . Sheepie Dreamer Snow JiaJin 3e2(08) 4e2(09) VirUS Elaine
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. : Music Box : . ![]() ![]() Music Playlist at MixPod.com
. : Archives : . November 2004 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 October 2005 November 2005 January 2006 May 2006 October 2006 May 2007 July 2007 October 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 January 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 November 2013 May 2016
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blogger blogskins annika von holdt Designed by:cherish-
Saturday, October 23, 2010 All my friends are lousy beings.. You always look down on my friends.. As long as they are friends of mine, they are lousy to you.. I guess that in your eyes.. I'm just a lazy girl who only wants to play.. "You must learn to cook and do housework.. If not when you grow up, how?" "JieJie also don't have to do housework.." "JieJie different.. JieJie will hire maid in the future.." I hate your comments.. Forgive me if I've decided to stop talking to you or hear you talk one day(I actually doubt this would happen).. I can tell you.. At least my friends doesn't smoke, steal, fight or rob! I stay home.. You say I'm lazy.. I go out.. You say I'm lazy.. I helped to wash abit of the dishes before going out.. You still say I'm lazy.. Zzz.. reca @ 9:19 AM
Okay... I'm having lunch break now.. 1hr15min had passed and there's still 45mins more.. Yep.. 2hours of lunch break.. I had played Bejeweled for half an hour and my back, neck and head is starting to ache.. HAHAHAAA.. After lunch break.. I have English Language 2.. LOL!!.. Last semester I had Personal Developement.. I think there's group presentation for English.. Lol.. Today's first module of the day, Semestral Project.. We are suppose to work in groups of 3.. The lecturer said that it would be according to our index number.. I was so afraid that I would group with the lazy guy in my class as his index number was right behind mine.. But thank god that I was group with the 2 person infront of me.. Syira and SoeLin.. Lucky me!! The lecturer explained about what we were suppose to do and I find it similar to the YES competition that I participated back in Secondary 1 when I joined the Enterprise Club.. BUT.. We have to make a prototype of our product.. Sounds cool.. Hope we can do it.. JIAYOU! Rofls.. reca @ 2:11 PM
Semester TWO... Okay.. I got back the same tutorial lecturer for Calculus.. BUT.. No she teaches us during lecture as well.. This is sooo not good.. Monday, first lesson, first lecture.. Calculus.. Rules: -Don't be late -No copying of notes(insufficient time) -Taking photos of notes allowed -No taking photos of notes that can be found in textbook -Not allowed to leave the lecture hall during the 2min-3min break between 1hr45min lecture I DON'T LIKE HER RULES.. ROFL.. There should be sufficient time for us to copy notes.. The previous lecturer always let us copy notes.. I dislike flipping through the textbook.. Sometimes I don't even understand how the textbook gets the answer.. Lab coat! Lab shoes! Lab goggles!.. For this semester, I would get to "play" with big machines.. It's going to be tiring.. Standing for at least 1hr30min straight.. I'm going to wear slippers to school every Tuesday.. Of course I would have to bring my lab shoes.. They are heavy!! There's metal in it.. To protect our toes from... Hammers?.. Lol.. Pray hard I'll survive!! ROFLS.. reca @ 9:14 PM
Yesterday, I went to Bugis Street with JieJie and JiaJin! Hahaa.. I bought a black dress for $5.. The white stretchable belt that ErJie gave me was just the right thing to make me look nice in that plain dress.. Haha.. Anyway, we walked till we've forgot about the time.. Haha.. JiaJin and I ate corndog before meeting JieJie(went to school for meeting).. JieJie ate TakoYaki!! I don't like the word 'Pachi'.. Hahahaaa.. Just kidding.. Before taking the bus home from WhiteSands, I went to 7eleven with JieJie while JiaJin went to the bank.. While waiting for JiaJin to come meet us outside 7eleven.. JieJie and I randomly talked about JiaJin's name.. Haha.. So, now JiaJin has a japanese name.. It's Shizuka.. HAHAA.. Mine became Yoshina.. Haha.. While JieJie's name became Yukina.. But the most funny part was.. JieJie randomly said that AikWei's japanese name is SAKURA!!.. ROFLS reca @ 8:40 AM
JieJie, AikWei and I went to JiaJin house yesterday and we tried making pudding again! JieJie was suppose to be studying and end up she was giving her attention to us most of the time.. And of course we felt guilty and kept quiet afew miniutes before leaving JiaJin's house although I know that it wouldn't make much difference.. Sigh.. JieJie took videos and photos of us.. The pudding was still GOOEY!! But we can tell it was better than the previous tries.. JiaJin might be right.. It's the problem with the temperature.. I don't think we might succeed in making pudding.. Nevermind!! Let's bake COOKIES next time!! GOoEY PUDdING.. ROFLs.. reca @ 6:11 AM
Yesterday, I went to JiaJin house with JingMing, AikWei and Suzie.. 2weeks ago JiaJin said that she wants to make pudding! But we didn't get the chance to do it till yesterday.. The night before making the pudding, JiaJin was worried that she does not have cornflour at home as it was one of the ingredient needed.. However, the ingredient that we left out was SUGAR.. Hahahaaa.. AikWei suggested to go get the small packets of sugar from Mc.. And so we did! Of course we bought things before taking the packets of sugar! Rofls.. We tried making the pudding four times, adding different amount of ingredient as each try wasn't successful.. The pudding was GOOEY!! Hahahaaa.. We added extra ingredient like milo powder and instead of gooey pudding.. We have watery pudding!! JiaJin spilt it on her shirt when she took it out of the freezer to check if it was successful.. At the end.. We still got gooey pudding.. HAHAHAHAHAAA.. Althought we did not succeed, we still had fun failing.. ROFLs.. reca @ 8:04 PM