. : About Me : . -I'm a Pisces. -I'm a March Baby. -I like laughing. -I'm OK being alone, but being with friends is definitely much better. -Most friends like to call me LaLa but I'm not a Teletubbie.
. : My Quote : . I like the way I am. But changes have to be made and sacrifices have to die..
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. : Emergency Exits : . Sheepie Dreamer Snow JiaJin 3e2(08) 4e2(09) VirUS Elaine
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blogger blogskins annika von holdt Designed by:cherish-
Thursday, November 25, 2010 Nope.. I don't think I'm busy.. I think I'm just spending most of my time playing games that's why.. Yes.. Yes.. I know.. I'm cutting down on it already.. Hmmm.. Next week.. Let's see.. Monday, I have presentation for GSM, Cross Cultural Communications. My partner hasn't done yet I think.. I think she's busy.. I'll probably send her a SMS on Saterday to ask if she have completed the presentation slides and ask her to send it to me when she is done.. Tuesday, another maths test.. Yep.. I know.. I know.. Practice the questions the lecture gave as revision for the test.. Wednsday,English Language.. MONOLOGUE!! *Screams*.. Individual work.. We havae to read out to the class.. Sigh.. But think again, I don't think monologue would be scary.. HAHA!! Thursday, Nothing intersting on Thursday.. Haha.. Semestral project, tutorial.. Manufacturing Technology, lab.. And lastly, Materials Technology, lecture(I dislike the lecturer).. LOL!! Friday!! Materials Technology, lab.. We have to submit a report on what we did last Friday.. I hope we will do it on time.. Sigh.. Oh ya.. Last Tuesday during lab.. The lab instructor told me that he feels that I'm the best in the group. But I don't really agree.. I had alot of help from SoeLin.. The instructor said that SoeLin can't make it.. I think it's rubbish.. Hey, just because he made a little mistake doesn't mean he isn't good.. Maybe it's because he can't concentrate when I kept asking him for help.. SoeLin and ChunTeik are the ones that are nearest to my station..But I'm always reluctant to ask ChunTeik for help.. He always seem so irresponsible and inconsiderate.. Anyway, I shall try my best not to ask SoeLin for help anymore!! He looked really sad that day.. Sigh.. I had a bad scare that day too! White smoke started to appear half way through cutting the workpiece!! Lucky me.. I stopped the auto feed immediately.. SoeLin went away from his station and I can't ask him for help.. T.T.. Well, I wasn't sure what was the problem and neither do I know the solution.. But I've decided to adjust the tube that leads the coolen more the the cutting edge of the cutter.. Before I start the auto feed again, I was really nervous.. I'm afraid white smoke would appear again.. Actually, I wanted to wait to SoeLin to come back before I do anything. But I'll never learn if I never try.. So, I turn on the auto feed.. Yay!! No white smoke!! Haha.. I finished cutting my workpiece and took it out of the machine as told by the instructor.. My hand was shaking!! Haha.. But I felt better when I told SoeLin about it and he said he got the white smoke too.. Haha.. I was right!! It was because I didn't direct the coolen to the cutting edge of the cutter.. ROFL!!! reca @ 8:55 AM