. : About Me : . -I'm a Pisces. -I'm a March Baby. -I like laughing. -I'm OK being alone, but being with friends is definitely much better. -Most friends like to call me LaLa but I'm not a Teletubbie.
. : My Quote : . I like the way I am. But changes have to be made and sacrifices have to die..
. : FootPrints : .
. : Emergency Exits : . Sheepie Dreamer Snow JiaJin 3e2(08) 4e2(09) VirUS Elaine
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blogger blogskins annika von holdt Designed by:cherish-
Sunday, January 29, 2012 This morning, while my dad was at the market, my mom told me that my dad has hurt his leg. My third sister and I thought that it might be serious. Thus, when he came back from the market, I wanted to have a look at his leg. However, he refused to let me have a look. So, I thought it is really rather serious. I sent an SMS to DaJie and ErJie telling them that mom told me that dad has hurt his leg. After receiving my SMS, they were both worried. DaJie decided to bring us out for lunch and we did! Hehe.. Initially, mom was actually going to my aunt's house. But after hearing that DaJie is bringing us out for lunch, she decided not to go my aunt's house anymore. LOL!! After lunch, we head back to our house without Ah Han as he wants to follow his YeYe's car because he bought him a lion head and Ah Han is so excited about it. Haha! ErJie arrived around 15min later. DaJie left at around 3pm as they have to go to their GuJie's house for dinner. ErJie left around 5min after to go to Tampines to buy little Elise a toy. Haha.. My dad is currently preparing dinner as ErJie will be back for dinner later on. Dad is always cooking so much no matter how many times we told him not to. But what can we do? He's a stubborn old man.. I wouldn't be bothered to stuff myself. I'm FAT enough already! Oh ya, back to my dad's leg. DaJie managed to see his leg and it wasn't serious. Infact, it was already almost done healing. We believe that he should have hurt his leg earlier but we did not noticed.. ROFL!!! reca @ 4:18 PM
Yes! I've finally completed my programming for my mini project. Now all that's left would be the report.. My partner and I just couldn't find our problem until yesterday. We've decided to ask our lecturer for help. And indeed, we have found our problem and a solution to it. Understanding our program is very important and it's what I could not really do. I'll try my best anyway... That day in the lab, my partner and I were using SoeLin and his partner's(LazyGuy) computer as the motor connected to SoeLin's computer is well and working unlike the motor my partner and I were using. I felt bad and wanted to let them use back their computer, but SoeLin said it's alright and allowed us to continue using their computer. By 12nn, we've completed our program and done all the screenshots needed for our report. SoeLin was really upset as he wasn't able to complete his program and wanted to leave. SweeLing and I asked him to at least try running his program using his computer to see if his program really work. He did, but the program didn't. He wasn't just upset anymore. He was angry as well. He immediately took his bag and head to the door. SweeLing tried to stop him, but he just told her that he will just fail the mini project. We were shocked, LazyGuy was shocked. Anyway, the ending was that SoeLin and LazyGuy's program was done within 45min after SoeLin left. For the first 5min, I thought I wouldn't be able to do it, but I did it after scribbling on a piece of paper! Hahahaa!!! SoeLin has always been helping me but I've always seem to be causing problems for him everytime he helps. I didn't want him to fail. HAHAAA!! I hope he have received the good news that his program is done. I'm going to help Lennard with his program next Monday. His partner is almost similar to SoeLin's partner. However, there's a difference and it's just that he isn't lazy, maybe just lousy. Hahahaa!! I know, I know.. I should stop criticising people.. But I couldn't help it.. If they would just put in some effort in doing their work that would make me feel that they are not a burden. I really want to laugh out loud that day when Lennard's partner asked him what is wrong with the program that he have just typed. He asked Lennard back to his computer to check the program when Lennard was going around, trying to get help with the program.. Should've shout at him and ask him to check the program himself or try another code. If I were Lennard, I'll complain to the lecturer and try to get a mini project to do by myself.. ROFL!!! reca @ 3:54 PM
Happy Lunar New Year people!! It's 2012 already!! LOL.. Yes.. Yes.. I've finally decided to revive my blog after a YEAR.. Hahahhaaa!! It's amazing that I've spent time on changing the blogskin instead of doing my assignment that is due next week and revising for an upcoming test this coming Friday. No worries, I'll make sure it's done by tonight. As for the revision.... I hope I'll do it after my assignment... =x Fine! Fine! I'll make sure I do it after my assignment.. Hahahaaa.. I was reading through afew of my past posts and I wasn't really sure that it was me who typed those things... HAHAHAAA!! Anyway, now, while typing this post, I'm pretty sure those were typed by me.. Hahahaaa!!! I've found a few typing errors in some posts, but I'm not going to correct them. Too lazy! =x Uh oh.. It's going to be 6pm.. I'd better start on my assignment or else I think I wouldn't be able to live through the revision later.. Haha.. I'll post again when I have the time.. Hmm.. Maybe not.. I'll post again when I feel like it.. Happy Lunar New Year!! ROFL!!! reca @ 5:44 PM